Friday 17 February 2017

The importance of narrative

The narrative is the natural way humans learn about new stuff. It's a good way to make a point using emotions and feelings to which the audience can feel related to. Narrative is the perfect link for creatives to justify selling something with personal feelings.

The fact that without hate there is no love is completely true. I think a good example of this can be someone like Justin Bieber, someone that has been critisised by many and that's probably the reason of his success by creating a counter-stream. When everyone dislikes something out loud it's more likely that the person that likes it makes public his or her opinion. As Dalí used to say: "What's important is that people talk about you, even if they only say good things". The worst situation for a designer is to be ignored.

There are a couple of interesting books and resources in the presentation. J.J. Abrams talk about "mystery box" it's something I want to watch as a big fan of Lost as I am. Also, "The seven basic plots" by Christopher Booker, which is a promising piece of knowledge to have handy. Into the woods by John Yorke is an analysis of how all the stories follow similar patterns.

This is good knowledge to put in practise in order to make designs more interesting and visually richer.

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