Wednesday 14 February 2018

YCN Street Feast (Collaboration) - Idea Generation

Before started to generate ideas and with the little information we had about Street Feast and other similar festivals we wanted to see how this festival was different and we needed to decipher its personality.

We first used general words to describe it from what we've seen, then the culture, users, voice, emotional benefits and what makes them different from the rest. The highlighted words for each column were vibrant, discoverers, humour, energised and cosy. So this a sentence we can use to drive the ideas:

"Street Feast provides a food festival to discoverers in a vibrant environment with a humorous voice, helping them feel energised". Unique selling point: cosiness.

With this in mind, we had to identify now what it needed to be produced. We thought that for the promotion of this festival posters were an obvious must, but we wanted to expand it to gifs for social media, different applications like a fence cover or a banner and cups.

We wanted to create a message that encapsulated the definition we came up with for street feast. We started to write down different messages without any kind of refinement, just raw ideas that we could polish later on.

At some point, we found out that a repeated formula across the messages could make easier for the audience to establish a pattern and to recognise where this message is coming from. These are the messages that are going to use in the designs:

- We encourage undoing the top button on your jeans.
- We soothe hangry people
- We welcome food coma
- We invest in foodgasm
- We host kickass flavour
- We celebrate food that is the dog's bollocks
- We are full of beans

We got some feedback at this point saying that using certain language might not go down well with the people reviewing it. We discussed this and we agreed that in order to make a difference or to stand out we have to risk. They might love it or hate it, but it's better than saying something that goes unnoticed or that can be forgotten in 2 minutes. We considered this language goes with their humour: it's cheeky, British and fits with their audience. They would be projecting such a confident personality it would be trusted.

We thought about how we could represent this vibe using our strongest skills and what we like to do the most. Hannah likes to do illustration, so I thought we could use some black and white photography and illustrate on top of it as a way to bring more energy to the images, making them look alive and funny. Also, it would be a way of saying "it's not just about the food, but what we do with it and everything that surrounds it".

We agreed that Hannah would try different styles of illustration and I would take care of the typographic work and the layout.

We thought about taking the photographs ourselves, but we soon realised we wouldn't be showing very interesting food compared to what the amazing stuff they offer. We contacted them to see if they could give us permission to use their pictures. They were absolutely fine with it and even offered help in sending us the originals for more quality.

For the purposes of this idea, the photography had to be as flat as possible and with a defined background that could be removed or changed.

There were other ideas that we discarded, as the ones that can be seen in the picture with all the notes. Others were to use phrases they have used on their Instagram, as they are quite witty and funny people. Phrases like: "choose wings, not war". We tried to expand this to other problems in our society, like "no food discrimination", but we didn't see much depth and humour in that approach.

Also, we considered using the 10 commandments of the Catholic church. By modifying them something humorous would come out of it, but it wasn't very appropriate as it was too specific for such a wide audience, and some of them might not get the joke behind it or others might be offended.

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