To make what I planned I hired a camera and used a spot light and a circular mirror that it was rubbed with a dense liquid used for cleansing, giving to it a handcrafted look when placed under a light.
With someone elses help, I managed to take different photographs of the mirror in different positions and also varying the position of the light on the mirror.
I used a Canon 1200D with a 50mm of focal distance from some distance so I could have a dramatic depth of field. The contrast was taken to the minimum in order to have a wider registration of colours and more flexibility in the edition, despite I was shooting in RAW so I could change those features afterwards. The number ISO was set as maximum of 400 to avoid grainy pictures. The shutter speed was quite high as the picture was taken hand-holding the camera (this was in order to easily have different shots) and also because the reflection of the spot light had to be visible, avoiding it to burn the image. The diaphragm was as open as it could be to compensate the low ISO.
After several shots, and once on the computer and using Adobe Camera Raw, not much needed to be done, as I wanted to keep the original look. The only thing I tweaked was the contrast and the colours, using mainly greens and blues to bring that feeling of urban night characteristic from the video and reasoned in the ideas generation section.
I was having some doubts about adding some text to it, saying: "Have your own light", but after having a crit the others suggested me not to do it.
There are some other crafting methods to make a similar outcome, but it wouldn't have the details of being a mirror, the reflection feeling.
Sumbission proof: